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PropellerAds August 2016 at the moment full time

Principal web developer. Advertising network.

Work on SSP (Self-service platform).

  • Worked on Agile Scrum methodology.
  • Used PHP frameworks: Symfony 5.4.
  • Tech Stack: GO, PHP 7.4, Redis, Kibana, Grafana, Docker, TeamCity, Capistrano.
  • Used at work: bugtracker Youtrack and JIRA, OS OS X, DBMS PostgreSQL, version control systems Git.

Topface April 2014 - August 2016 full time

Principal web developer. Social network with dating.

Work on a large highload project. Work in Monetization department. Creating A/B tests. Work on referral partner program. Creating cohort analysis.

Successful participation in the HackDay: creating a scalable application for social network (may 2015; PHP 5.5, Docker)

Successful participation in the HackDay: creating a scalable application for social network (november 2015; PHP 5.5, NodeJS, Docker)

  • Tech Stack: PHP 7, Redis, ZooKeeper, ElasticSearch, Kibana, Grafana, Docker, TeamCity.
  • Used at work: bugtracker Redmine, OS Ubuntu, DBMS MySQL and PostgreSQL, version control system Git.

TolkoTolk January 2014 – April 2014 remote job

Web developer. Company engaged in the development of advertising management in VKontakte.

Advertisement creation UI development.

  • Used PHP frameworks: Zend Framework 1.9.
  • Used at work: bugtracker Redmine, OS Windows, DBMS MySQL.

FotoStrana October 2012 – October 2013 full time

Principal web developer. Social network with dating and games.

Work on a large highload project. Work in Core and Advertising departments. Development albums engine, "Boards and Pins" engine, advertising API.

  • Used PHP frameworks: Zend Framework 1.*.
  • Used at work: bugtracker Redmine, OS Ubuntu Linux, DBMS MySQL, version control system Subversion (SVN).

Наш район November 2010 – March 2012 Webcom March 2012 – October 2012 full time

Web developer. Company engaged in SMS billing.

The creation of numerous small sites, providing content after sending SMS. Also work on a single large project, aggregating statistics from all other small sites.

Principal web developer.

Promoted to principal web developer. In subordination was 2 people.

  • Worked on Agile Scrum methodology.
  • Used PHP frameworks: Zend Framework 1.* and Kohana 3.0.
  • Used at work: bugtracker Redmine, OS Ubuntu Linux, DBMS MySQL, version control systems Subversion (SVN) and Git.

WebDoka January 2010 – September 2010 full time

Web developer. Web studio engaged in the creation and support of sites.

Web site development. Support for customer sites. Writing the new features. Drafting TOR.

  • Used PHP frameworks: Zend Framework 1.*.
  • Used CMSUMI.CMS and 1C Bitrix.
  • Used at work: bugtracker Redmine, OS Windows and Ubuntu Linux, DBMS MySQL, version control system Subversion (SVN).
  • Attending a conference ZFConf 2010.

BeCost December 2008 – January 2010 full time

Senior web developer. The company sells auto parts.

Duties: development of web-shop and internal portal. SEO. Interviewing. Preparation of internal documents. Developing the logistics system (wrote a dissertation based on it in 2010). Developing internal bugtracker system called HelpDesk. In subordination was 4 people.

  • Used PHP frameworks: Zend Framework 1.*.
  • Used at work: OS Windows and Gentoo Linux, DBMS MySQL, version control system Subversion (SVN).

SOLVO April 2008 – August 2008 full time

Junior programmer of W2A system. The company develops warehouse management systems.

Duties: developing warehouse system interfaces with XML notation. Creating views for DB.

  • Used at work: OS Red Hat Enterprise Linux, DBMS Oracle, version control system CVS.


NRU ITMO 2010 – 2012

Saint–Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics & Optics, Faculty of Informational Technologies and Programming (magistracy).

NRU ITMO 2006 – 2010

Saint–Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics & Optics, Faculty of Informational Technologies and Programming (baccalaureate).

School №457 1996 – 2006

School of raised level №457, with an economy, information science and English bias.

Electronic certificates

The successful termination of rates: HTML5, Javascript, PHP Coding, jQuery.